Annual Keynote Speaker, Graduate Student Conference, “The Background of Interpretation: The Predicament of Ethnocentrism in Cultural Hermeneutics.” Northwestern University, April 1993
Faculty Associate, Programs in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994
Keynote address: “Dialog und Anerkennung,” Berlin-Konferenz Dialog im 20th Jahrhundert, August 1995
Honorary Faculty Associate, University of Catamarca, Argentina, 1996.
Keynote address: “Empathy and Interpretation: Sources of Reflexivity in Cultural Studies” First International Graduate Conference on ‘Language and Power,‘ University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, Nov. 20-22, 1998
Keynote address: “Language and the Paradigm of Performativity.” University of South Florida, conference on Continental Philosophy/Ethics/Social Theory, Jan. 21-22, 2000
External Faculty Affiliate and Visiting Professor, M.A.Program in Social Philosophy, Karls-University Prague, Czech Republic, 2002, and Czech Academy of the Sciences (Social Science & Philosophy section)
Outstanding Teaching Award, University of North Florida, 2002
Guestprofessorship, University of Klagenfurt, ‘Methods of Interpretation: Hermeneutics,” Spring 2004 and July 2006; 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016
Faculty Research Affiliation 2007/2008, Project “Verstehen, Kritik, Rechtfertigung” (Understanding, Critique, Justification), with Dr. Karsten Schmidt (Philosophy of Religion), Prof. Thomas Schmidt (Religious Studies) and Prof. Rainer Forst (Political Theory), University of Frankfurt, Germany
Prestigious international invitations as featured speaker to University of London (2001, 2009), Prague (2004), Klagenfurt, Austria (2006, 2010), Ghent, Belgium (2010) Berlin (2010), Auckland, New Zealand (2011), Frankfurt (2012), Pécs, Hungary (2012), Wuxi City/Shanghai (2013), Kirchberg & Klagenfurt/Austria (2015), Prague (2016), Presov (2017), Innsbruck/Austria, Prague (2018), among others