“Empathy, Dialogical Self, and Reflexive Interpretation: The Symbolic Source of Simulation, in Empathy and Agency: The Problem of Understanding in the Human Sciences,” H.-H. Kögler/K. Stueber, (eds.), Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press 2000, pp. 194-221.
“Being as Dialogue, or: The Ethical Consequences of Interpretation,” in The Consequences of Hermeneutics: Fifty years after Gadamer’s Truth and method, J. Malpas/S. Zabala (eds.), Evanston: Northwestern U.P. 2010, pp. 343-367.
“Hermeneutic Cosmopolitanism—or, Toward a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere,” in Ashgate Research Companion to Cosmopolitanism, Maria Rovisco/Magdalena Nowicka (eds.), Ashgate Publishers, UK, 2011, pp. 225-242.
“Empathy, Dialogue, Critique: How should we understand (inter-)cultural violence? in The Agon of Interpretations.” in Towards a Critical Intercultural Hermeneutics, Ming Xie (ed.), Univ. of Toronto Press, 2014, pp. 275-301.
“Ethics and Community,” in Routledge Companion to Hermeneutics, Jeff Malpas, Hans-Helmuth Gander (eds.), London/New York, 2015, pp. 310-323.
“Beyond Ethnocentrism: Towards a Global Social Theory,” with L’ubomir Dunaj, Social Theory and Asian Dialogues, Ananta Giri (ed.), Springer, 2017, pp 69-106.