1994 – 2000:
Frankfurter Benjamin Vorträge, Frankfurt 1994: “Modernität als Erfahrung: Benjamin und Foucault.”
XIIIth World Congress in Sociology, Bielefeld 1994: “Alienation as Epistemological Source.”
2nd Theory, Culture, and Society Conference, Berlin, July 1995, “Rethinking Reflexivity.”
Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Tampere, Finland, June 1996: “Meaning and Power: Toward a Semiotics for Critical Theory.”
College of the Holy Cross, Philosophy Department, November 1996, “The Explanation of Meaning.”
University of Southern Carolina, Philosophy Department, Columbia, April 1997: “The Explanation of Meaning,” and Center for Government Studies, U. of Southern Carolina: “Social Systems and the Value of the First Person.”
5th Critical Theory Roundtable, September 26-28, St. Louis 1997: “Language, Power, and Subjectivity: On Critical Theory and Cultural Studies.”
Third Annual Theory Workshop, Florida State University, Tallahassee, February 20-22, 1998, (Social Theory ‘after’ Postmodernism: The Next Step): “A Critical Hermeneutics of Subjectivity: Cultural Studies as Critical Social Theory.”
Third World Congress by the Society for Universalism, on “Universal Dialogue,” Babson College, Wesley/Boston, August 6-8, 1998: “The Challenges of Multiculturalism, General Education, and Organic Cosmopolitanism.”
APA Eastern Division Meeting, 27-30 Dec., 1999 Boston, MA, “The Cosmopolitan Core of Multiculturalism,” at a panel I organized on “Multiculturalism and the Cosmopolitan Ideal” on behalf of the ‘International Society for Universal Dialogue.’
University of Arizona, conference ‘Toward a Science of Consciousness,’ Tucson 2000, April 10-15, poster presentation on “Self-Consciousness and Social Externalism.”
University of Kentucky, International Social Theory Consortium, Inaugural Conference, ‘Social Theory 2000,’ talk on “Normative vs. Holistic Approaches to Reflexivity in Critical Social Theory,” Lexington, May 11-14, 2000
Since 2001:
Kalamazoo College, conference on ‘Bakhtin and Dialogical Models of Self,’ April 6/7 2001, talk on “The Myth of the Unified Self: Dialogical Subject-Constitution after Mead and Bakhtin.”
Inter-University Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 23-27, 2001, interdisciplinary conference on ‘The Future of Religion: Different Conceptions of Modernity,’ invited lecturer on “After Postmodernism” and “Toward a Theory of Social Reflexivity.”
Canadian Philosophical Association, Annual Meeting Quebec City, May 24-27, 2001, “Models of Critique for the Multicultural Public Sphere” on the panel ‘Employing Critique.’
University of Sussex, England Second International Conference by the “International Social Theory Consortium,” July 5-7, 2001, “Social Constructionism and the Value of the First Person.”
University Of London, SOAS (School for Oriental and African Studies), conference on ‘Dialogue and Difference,’ Sept. 20-23, 2001, invited speaker on “Recognition and Difference: Epistemic and Ethical Sources of Interpretive Dialogue.”
St. Louis University, 10th Critical Theory Roundtable, “Subversive Performance or Hermeneutic Competence: Reconstructing the Subject of Politics,” Oct. 25-27, 2002
University of Giessen, Germany, invited lecture on “Situierte Autonomie: Zur Subversion des Subjekts der Geschichte,” at the international conference on “Subjektivierte Geschichte—Historisierte Subjektivität: Zur Verfügbarkeit und Unverfügbarkeit der Geschichte,” Novemer 2002
Philosophy & Social Science Meeting: “Constructing a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere,” , Prague, May 16, 2003
Czech Academy of the Sciences (Philosophy, Sociology)”The Power of Dialogue and Social Theory,” Prague, July 3, 2003
Toward a Science of Consciousness Conference: “Consciousness and the Implicit Normativity of Meaning,” Prague, July 7, 2003
XXI World Congress of Philosophy, “Constructing a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere, Istanbul, Turkey, August 11
XXI. World Congress of Philosophy: “Dialogical Ethics After Postmodernism,” Istanbul, Turkey , August 12
“Kritische Theorie als ‘Hermeneutik der Gegenwart,’” invited lecture at the Symposium “Kritische Theorie Heute,” 27.-28. May 2004, Universität Klagenfurt (a conference triggered by my Guest Professorship during the summer 2004 in Klagenfurt, Austria)
”Normalität in Moderne und Postmoderne: Gefahren und Quellen offener Identitätskonstruktion,” invited lecture in the lecture series on ‘Normalität, Normativität, Normalisierung,” organized by the Institute for Art and Science, Bergerstrasse, Vienna, throughout several semesters (with generally four public lectures per semester, one a month), June 2004
“The Promise of Dialogue: Rorty, Gadamer, and Beyond,” invited commentary on Prof. Lauren Barthold (Siena College): “ How Hermeneutical is He? A Gadamerian Analysis of Richard Rorty,” Symposium Paper, APA Eastern Divison Meeting, Boston, Dec. 30, 2004
“Habermas and Biology: On the Natural Grounds of Linguistic Rationality,” invited commentary on Prof. Lenny Moss (University of Notre Dame): “Human Nature, Habermas, and the Anthropological Framework of Critical Theory,” colloquium paper, APA Pacific Division Meeting, San Francisco, March 24, 2005
“Homo Hermeneuticus: The Location of Language in Human Agency,” invited lecture at the conference Philosophical Anthropology: Reviewed and Renewed, May 6-9, 2005, University of Notre Dame
“Beyond Dogma and Doxa: The Unavoidable Truth in Dialogue,” invited lecture at the ‘European Conference on Dialogue,’ organized by the European Society for Universal Dialogue, University of Warsaw, Poland, July 26-31, 2005
“Wittgenstein and the Hermeneutics of Social Agency,” invited lecture at the Philosophy Colloquium, Department of Philosophy, University of Central Florida, October 2005
“The Immanent Transcendence of Linguistic Reason,” invited commentary on Kirk Besmer’s “Re-Writing the Transcendental Moment: Merleau-Ponty on Novel Expression and Rationality.“ invited APA Colloquim paper, Dec. 30, 2005, APA Eastern Convention Meeting, New York
“Roots of Recognition: Critical Theory and the Politics of Identity,” invited lecture as part of the spring semester lecture series “Current Perspectives in Critical Theory,” co-hosted by the Department of Political Science and the Center for European Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville, March 9, 2006
„Wittgenstein und das Ethos der Hermeneutik,” invited colloquium paper, Dept. Of Philosophy, University of Klagenfurt, Austria, June 2006
“Roots of Recognition: Cultural Identity and the Ethos of Hermeneutic Dialogue.” invited lecture at the International Wittgenstein Symposium, theme: Cultures: Conflict/Analysis/Dialogue, Kirchberg near Vienna, Austria, 6-12. August 2006
“The Unavoidable Dialogue: Empathy and Inter-Ethnic Conflict Resolution” Symposium on Conflict Transformation, University of North Florida, November 2007
“Social Constructivism and Theories of the Self,” invited lecture for the Konstruktivismus-Tagung, Vienna, November 2007
“Bridging Empathy: Narrative Sources of Understanding Self and Other,” invited presentation Symposium: Approaches to Interpersonal Understanding—Empathy, Agency, and Narrativity,” American Psychological Association, Boston: August 15, 2008
“Interpretation as Prima Philosophia: Rorty and the Normative Roots of Dialogue,”presentation at the Department of Philosophy Colloquium, Frankfurt University, June 1, 2009
“Interpretation as Prima Philosophia: Rorty and the Normative Roots of Dialogue,” invited presentation for the conference “Pragmatic Hermeneutics? Richard Rorty’s poetics of political culture and its consequences for the human sciences.” Bielefeld, Germany, June 2 – 4, 2009
“Cosmopolitan Dialogue: The Construction of Values after Globalization,” at the conference “Dialogue and Difference: Meditations on Local/Global Values in Post-Modernity,” SOAS, University of London, 9-11 September 2009
“Recognition and the Dialectical Roots of Self-Constitution.” Saturday Morning: Session 2, 11:00 — 1:00, at the conference RATIONAL AGENCY AS ETHICAL LIFE, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan, February 26th & 27th, 2010
“Interpretation as Reflective Judgment: A Hermeneutic Critique of Objectivity,” international symposium ‘Yes We Kant,’ Centre for Critical Philosophy, Dept of Philosophy, University of Gent, Belgium, May 26 – 28, 2010
“Das Offene Selbst. Zur Kritischen Hermeneutik der Identität” at the Free University of Berlin (‘The Future of Hermeneutics’ conference), Nov. 18 – 20, 2010
“Das Subjekt der Macht. Zur Kritischen Hermeneutik der Identität,” University of Austria in Klagenfurt, Nov. 24, 2010
“Hegel, Heidegger, Habermas: The Experience of Modernity,” University of Austria in Klagenfurt, four day-block lecture, Nov. 22 – Nov. 25, 2010
“Lecture I.: Understanding and Interpretation,“ Workshop Dialogue One/Critical Hermeneutics, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, Dec. 6, 2011
“Lecture II: Understanding, Power, and Agency,“ Workshop Dialogue One/Critical Hermeneutics, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, Dec. 6, 2011
“Lecture III: The Dialogic Constitution of Self-Identity,“ Workshop Dialogue One/Critical Hermeneutics, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, Dec. 7, 2011
“Lecture IV: Cosmopolitan Consciousness and Communication,“ Workshop Dialogue One/Critical Hermeneutics, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, Dec. 7, 2011
“Cosmopolitanism and the Public Sphere,” Keynote Lecture at the Institute of Education & Society, annual conference on education, University of Pécs, Hungary, May 22, 2012
“Education toward Democracy,” Workshop on Cosmopolitanism and Democracy, University of Pécs, May 24, 2012
“Orte der Wahrheit: Institutsionelle Macht und Welterschließung“ at the conference “Unterwegs zur Wahrheit” Alpen-Adria University, Klagenfurt, Austria, May 28 – 30, 2015; available as video lecture through google, posted by Alpen-Adria University, Klagenfurt, Austria
“After Constructivism: The Return of Truth,” at the international 38. Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg near Vienna, “Relativism/Realism/Constructivism,” Austrian Wittgenstein Society, August 16. – 20
“The Religious Face of Evil – Intercultural Dialogue and the Critique of Religion,” invited lecture at the Truth Colloquium, Philosophy & Humanities, John Cabot University, Rome, March 1, 2016.
“The Religious Face of Evil – Ethics and the Critique of Religion,” at the annual symposium “Philosophy & Social Science,” Prague, May 18 (symposium 18. – 22.), 2016
“Autonomie und Macht: Selbstbestimmte Agency zwischen Transgression und Anerkennung,“ presented at the co-organized conference „The Enigma of Agency,“ Alpen-Adria University, Klagenfurt, Austria, May 28 (conference May 28./29.), 2016
“After Social Constructivism: The Return of Truth (beyond Foucault & Searle),” keynote lecture at the 20th Northeast Florida Philosophy Student Conference, April 8, 2017
“The Role of Religion in a Global Public Sphere,” contribution at the Roundtable on Religion in Europe, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 24./25. May 2018
“The Utopian Potential of Cosmopolitan Dialogue for Global Public reason,” invited lecture at the 10th Central European Pragmatism Forum, June 4 – 8, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic