“Fröhliche Subjektivität: Historische Ethik und dreifache Ontologie beim späten Foucault,” in Ethos der Moderne—Foucaults Kritik der Aufklärung, E. Erdmann, R. Forst, A. Honneth (eds), Frankfurt: Campus 1990).
Reason, Tradition, and Critique: Moses Mendelssohn’s Essay on Enlightenment,” Public Culture, Vol. 6, n.1, Fall 1993.
“The Background of Interpretation: The Predicament of Cultural Hermeneutics after Heidegger,” Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Heft 2, Fall 1994.
“Michel Foucault als Gesellschaftstheoretiker: Der hermeneutische Mangel der Machttheorie,” TÜTE, special Issue on Foucault, Tübingen 1995.
“The self-empowered subject: Habermas, Foucault, and hermeneutic reflexivity,” Philosophy & Social Criticism, Vol. 22, July 1996.
“Symbolic Self-Consciousness: Rethinking Reflexivity with Mead and Semiotics,” Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol. 20, 1996.
“Kritische Sprechakttheorie oder Semiotik der Macht? Habermas und die Wittgenstein-Schule,” in: WITTGENSTEIN-STUDIES, special issue on Wittgenstein and the Frankfurt School, Fall 1996.
“Critical Theory as Critical Hermeneutics,” (new concluding chapter to English translation of my book The Power of Dialogue, Cambridge: MIT Press 1996).
“Dialog und Anerkennung: Theorieskizze über das Reflexivwerden der Macht,’ in Dialogue in the 20th Century, special issue, Hegel Institut, Berlin, Spring 1997.
“Symbolic Self-Consciousness: Rethinking Reflexivity with Mead and Semiotics,” republished from Studies in Symbolic Interaction, 1996, in: KODIKAS/CODE, International Journal of Semiotics, Tübingen: G. Narr Verlag 1997.
“Alienation as Epistemological Source: Reflexivity and Social Background after Mannheim and Bourdieu,” target piece in a special issue “New Directions in the Sociology of Knowledge,” Social Epistemology, Vol. 11, n. 2, April—June 1997.
“Reconceptualizing Reflexive Sociology: A Reply.” Special issue “New Directions in the Sociology of Knowledge,” Social Epistemology, Vol. 11, n. 2, April—June 1997.
“The Challenges of Multiculturalism, General Education, and Grounded Cosmopolitanism,” in Dialogue and Universalism, n. 10, special issue on ‘Universal Dialogue,’ ed. Society for Universalism, Warsaw, 1998.
“Kritische Hermeneutik des Subjects: Cultural Studies als Erbe der Kritischen Theorie,” in Widerspenstige Kulturen: CulturalStudies als Herausforderung, K. Hörning/R. Winter (eds.), Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1999.
“Empathy, Dialogical Self, and Reflexive Interpretation: The Symbolic Source of Simulation,” in Empathy and Agency: The Problem of Understanding in the HumanSciences, H.-H. Kögler/K. Stueber, (eds.), Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press 2000.
“Normative versus Holistic Approaches to Reflexivity in Critical Social Theory,” in Science, Technology and Society; J. Balon (ed.), Prague, Czech Republic, Winter 2000.
“Objectification and Dialogue: Rorty and the Difference between Human and Natural Sciences,” in EXISTENTIA, An International Journal of Philosophy, Budapest/Münster, Vol. XI/Fasc. 3-4, 2001.
“La Théorie critique comme herméneutique critique” in ‘Police et Corps du Texte,’ X-ALTA, numéro six, octobre 2002, Abjat/Bandiat (France), p. 65- 83.
“Situierte Autonomie: Zur Wiederkehr des Subjekts nach Foucault,” in: Historisierte Geschichte/Subjektivierte Historie, in Stefan Jäger/Stefan Deines (eds.), Berlin: Walter de Gryter Fall 2003, p. 77 – 91.
“Kritiká hermeneutika subjektivity: kulturální studia jako kritiká sociální teorii” (Czech translation of ‘A Critical Hermeneutics of Subjectivity’), in: Teorie Vedi/Theory ofScience, XII (XXV), 4/2003, Center for Science, Technology, Society Studies at the Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, Prague 2003, p. 107 – 146.
“Wahrheit, Macht, und Selbstkonstitution: Zur ‘Theorie des Subjekts’ nach Foucault”, (neues Schlusskapitel zur zweiten Auflage meines Buchs Michel Foucault, Stuttgart: Metzler, April 2004 [1994]).
“Constructing a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere: Hermeneutic Capabilities and Universal Values,” (in Czech translation) in the journal FILOSOFICKY CASOPIS, in the section ‘Moral and Political Philosophy today,’ ed. Philosophical Academy of the Sciences in the Czech Republic, Prague, n. 52, 2004, pp. 783-815.
“The Project of a Critical Hermeneutics,” (in Czech translation) in the ‘Journal for Theory of Science, Technology & Communication, ed. Institute for Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, XIII/XXVI/4/2004, pp. 71-84.
“Die unbewusste Macht der Sprache,” in: Sinn, Macht, Unbewusstes, ed. by Ulrike Kadi/Gerhard Unterthurner, Verlag Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2005, pp. 16-45.
“Recognition and Difference: The Power of Perspectives in Interpretive Dialogue” in the special issue ‘Dialogue as the Inscription of ‘the West’,” in: Social Identities, ed. by C. Zene and A. Mandair.
“Constructing a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere: Hermeneutic Capabilities and Universal Values,” in European Journal of Social Theory, ed. Gerard Delanty/Peter Wagner, SAGE Publishers, pp. 297 – 320.
“Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Philosophical Anthropology,” Chapter 15 in the Handbook for Contemporary European Social Theory, ed. G. Delanty, London / New York : Routledge 2006, pp. 203-217.
“Beyond Dogma and Doxa: Truth and Dialogue in Rorty, Apel, and Ratzinger,” in: DIALOGUE AND UNIVERSALISM, University of Warsaw Press, No. 7-8/2005, pp. 85-103.
“The Ethics of Interpretation after Postmodernism,” (in Russian translation), in Voprosi Filsofii (Journal of Philosophy), University of Moscow Press, Russia, Vol. 3, 2005.
“The Unconscious Power of Language: Foucault, Hacking, and the hermeneutic Construction of Identity,” (Czech translation) in: Filosoficky casopis (Philosophical Journal), No. 2, Academy of the Social Sciences, Prague, May 2006.
„Normalität als Normalisierung? Zur Theorie des Subjekts in Moderne und Postmoderne,“ in Normalität/Normalisierung/Normierung, Gerhard Unterthurner, Ulrike Kadi (eds.) IWK Proceedings, Vienna, 2006.
“Musique et identité : Adorno et la promesse de la culture populaire”, in X-Alta, n° 9, “Musicopathie : de l’impossibilité de la musique”, 2006.
“Autonomie und Anerkennung: Kritische Theorie als Hermeneutik des Subjekts,” in Rainer Winter/Peter Zima (eds.), Kritische Theorie Heute, Transcript Verlag, 2007.
“Roots of Recognition: Cultural Identity and the Ethos of Hermeneutic Dialogue,” in Proceedings of the International Wittgenstein Symposium, Ontos Publishing House, Kirchberg, Austria, May 2007.
“The Ethics of Interpretation after Postmodernism,” in The Future of Religion: Toward a Reconciled Society, Michael Ott (ed.), Netherlands: Brill Publisher, summer 2007 (also published in Proceedings of XXIst World Congress of Philosophy, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007).
“Understanding and Interpretation,” chapter in the Handbook of Social Science Methodology, ed. William Outhwaite/Stephen Turner, SAGE Publishing House (a book with 34 chapters), Fall 2007.
“Verstehen,” chapter in Handbuch Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kompetenz (Handbook Intercultural Communication and Competence), Jürgen Straub, Arne Weidemann, Doris Weidemann (eds), Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler Verlag, September 2007.
“Die Macht der Interpretation: Konturen einer kritischen Sozialwissenschaft in Anschluss an Foucault,” concluding part 4 Macht Wissen Macht: Michel Foucault’s Analytik der Macht und die Soziale Arbeit, Roland Anhorn, Frank Bettinger, Johannes Stehr (eds). VS (Verlag der Sozialwissenschaften), Fall 2007.
“Foucault und die Naturwissenschaften,” in Foucault Handbuch, Metzler Verlag, Stuttgart/Weimar 2008.
“Critical Hermeneutics,” in Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, Thousand Oaks, 2009.
“Consciousness as Symbolic Construction: A Semiotics of Thought after Cassirer,” Constructivist FoundationsVol. 4, n. 3, July 2009.
“Being as Dialogue, or: The Ethical Consequences of Interpretation,” in The Consequences of Hermeneutics, J. Malpas/S. Zabala (eds.), Evanston: Northwestern U.P. 2010.
“Constructing a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere: Hermeneutic Capabilities and Universal Values,” republished from European Journal of Social Theory, 2005, in Cosmopolitanisms, 4 Volumes, Vol 4: Contested Cosmopolitanisms, G. Delanty (ed.), Routledge 2010.
“The self-empowered subject: Habermas, Foucault, and hermeneutic reflexivity,” republished from Philosophy & Social Criticism, 1996, in Agency and Structure, 4 Volumes, Routledge 2010.
“Recognition and the Resurgence of Intentional Agency,” in Inquiry, special issue ‘Rational Agency as Ethical Life,’ Taylor & Francis, Summer/Fall 2010.
“Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, and Ethnomethodology.” in SAGE Handbook of the Philosophy of Social Science, I. Jarvie/J. Zamora-Bonilla (eds.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, Fall 2010.
“Interpretation als Prima Philosophia: Rorty und die normativen Wurzeln des Dialogs” (‚Interpretation as Prima Philosophia: Rorty and the Normative Roots of Dialogue,‘) special issue on ‘Pragmatische Hermeneutik: Richard Rorty’s Poetik der politischen Kultur, Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, E. Hammer-M. Buschmeier (eds.), Spring 2011.
“Overcoming Semiotic Structuralism: Language and Habitus in Bourdieu,” in The Legacy of Pierre Bourdieu, Susan, Simon, Taylor, Bryan (eds), Anthem Press, UK , summer 2011
“Hermeneutic Cosmopolitanism—or, Toward a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere:” Ashgate Research Companion to Cosmopolitanism, Ashgate Publishers, UK, 2011.
“Essere in quanto dialogo, o le conseguenze etiche dell’interpretazione,” tr. it. di Andrea Lugoboni, in In Philosophical News, ed. Elisa Grimini, Milano, Italy (appeared in June 2011), of: “Being as Dialogue, or: The Ethical Consequences of Interpretation,” originally appeared 2010 in The Consequences of Hermeneutics, J. Malpas/S. Zabala (eds.), Evanston: Northwestern U.P.
“Agency and the Other: On the Intersubjective Roots of Self-Identity.” Special issue on ‘Human Agency and Development,’ in New Ideas in Psychology (NIP), B. Sokol, J. Sugarman, (eds.), April 2012.
“Art as Dialogue: The Rediscovery of Nature after Modernism,” in Feast of Flowers, ed. Jim Draper, CoRK Arts District Publication, Dec. 2012 (digital).
“Art as Dialogue: The Rediscovery of Nature after Modernism,” in Feast of Flowers, ed. Jim Draper, February 2013, Cummer Museum Catalogue (hardback).
“Globalization, Agency, and the Cosmopolitan Public Sphere,” journal of the Institute of Education & Society, University of Pécs, Hungary, May 2013.
“Interpretation as Reflective Judgment: A Hermeneutic Critique of Objectivity,” in Objectivity after Kant, G. de Vijers (ed.), Olms Verlag, 2013.
“Unavoidable Idealizations and the Reality of Symbolic Power,” in Social Epistemology, Vol. 27, Issue 3, 2013, special issue on Bourdieu and Language.
“The Crisis of a Hermeneutic Ethic,” in Philosophy Today, Vol. 54, 2014
“Dialogue,” in Encyclopedia of Political Thought, ed. Michael Gibson, Wiley-Blackwell 2014.
“A Critique of Dialogue in Philosophical Hermeneutics,” Journal of Dialogue Studies, London, Vol. 2, 2014.
“Empathy, Dialogue, Critique: How should we understand (inter) cultural violence?“ The Agon of Interpretations. Towardsa Critical Intercultural Hermeneutics, Ming Xie (ed.), U. of Toronto Press, 2014.
“Dialogue and community: the ethical claim of tradition,” special issue ‘Dialogues with the Past,’ Journal of the Philosophy of History, Fall 2014.
“Ethics and Community,” in Routledge Companion to Hermeneutics, Jeff Malpas, Hans-Helmuth Gander, London/New York, 2015.
“Orte der Wahrheit: Institutionelle Macht und Welterschließung,” in Unterwegs zur Wahrheit, ed. Heike Egner et. al., Institut fuer Geographie, Alpe-Adria Universität, Klagenfurt, Austria, video presentation.
“A Discursive View from Somewhere: Foucault’s Epistemic Position,” in The Hermeneutics of Place and Space, Bruce Janz (ed.), Springer April 2017, 239 – 260.
“The Truth of Social Constructivism,” in Relativism/Realism/Constructivism, Josef Mitterer, Sebastian Kletzl, Bettina Negerer (eds.), De Gruyter, May 2017.
“Natur-Malerei: Kunst als Täuschung, Wahrheit, oder Utopie,” in Gotthard Schettler 1917/2017 Medizin/Kunst/Arichtektur, R. Döhling Falkart Collective, Zwickau 2017.
“Hermeneutic Foundations of a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere,” (revised version based on an essay in British Journal of Social Theory (2005)), in Beyond Cosmopolitanism, Ananta Giri (ed.), Palgrave Press, 2017.
“A Critical Hermeneutics of Agency: Cultural Studies as Critical Theory,” in Philosophical Approaches to Social Science, ed. B. Babich, Springer Press, 2017, 63 – 88.
“Reflexivity and Globalization” in Human Affairs, De Gryuter, Fall 2017.
“Beyond Ethnocentrism: Towards a Global Social Theory,” with Ľubomír Dunaj, in Social Theory and Asian Dialogues, Ananta Giri (ed.), Springer Fall 2017.
“The Religious Face of Evil – Ethics and the Critique of Religion,” in Religion and the Public Sphere, 4 chapters by Jürgen Habermas, Charles Taylor, Alessandro Ferraro, Hans-Herbert Kögler, (ed. by R. Stech, Prague Academic Publishers, Fall 2017.
“Social Ontology and the Varieties of Interpretation: A Hermeneutic Critique of Searle,” in Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Spring 2018.
“Autonomie und Überschreitung. Bruchstücke einer Theorie der hermeneutischen Agency.” in Enigma Agency, Macht, Widerstand, Reflexivität co-edited by Hans-Herbert Kögler, Alice Pechriggl, Rainer Winter (eds.), Bielefeld: Transcript Publishers, 2018, 81 – 113.
“Einleitung: Das Enigma von Agency,” in Enigma Agency, Macht, Widerstand, Reflexivität, (co-authored with Alice Pechriggl, Rainer Winter), Bielefeld: Transcript Publishers, 2018, 7 – 33.
“Harmony after Modernity,” in Harmony between East and West, Ananta Giri (ed.), Studera Press, New Dehli, Spring 2019 (forthcoming).
“Hermeneutics,” “Critical Hermeneutics,” “Hans-Georg Gadamer,” “Paul Ricoeur,” in The Cambridge Lexicon on Habermas, Amy Allen/Eduardo Mendieta (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
“Adorno and the Subversive Potential of Popular Music,” in Adorno’s Actuality, Amir Khandaiji (ed.), London/New York: Routledge, Palgrave P., 2019.
“Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature,” co-authored with Rosa Maria Calcaterra, in A Companion to Richard Rorty, Martin Mueller (ed.) Springer VS, (forthcoming 2020).
“Rortys Wirkung und Herausforderung in der Hermeneutik,” in A Companion to Richard Rorty, Martin Mueller (ed.) Springer VS, (forthcoming 2020).
“After Marx or Habermas. On M. Morris recent renewal of ideology critique.” Florida Philosophical Review, Orlando, Florida, forthcoming 2020).
“Zur Logik des kulturellen Eigensinns: Hermeneutische Genealogie & Cultural Studies.” In Medien, Kultur und Gesellschaft, Herbert von Halem Verlag forthcoming 2020).
“Hermeneutic Dialogue and Communicative Action: Gadamer & Habermas,” in Gadamer’s Mind, ed. T. George, Bert v. Heiden (eds.) Routledge (forthcoming 2020).