“Argumente gegen Bilder—Versuch eines Dialogs zwischen Heidegger und Davidson,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Oct. 19th, 1990.
“Verstehen: Intersubjektivität und Interkulturalität,” Reader Praktische Philosophie, Goethe Institut, München 1994.
“Utopianism, life-world, background, horizon, interpretation, neo-pragmatism,” in Oxford Companion to Philosophy, T. Honderich (ed.), Oxford: Oxford U.P. 1995.
Book Review of “Niklas Luhmann: Social Systems,” in American Journal of Sociology, July 1997.
“New Arguments for Diversifying the Curriculum: Advancing Students’ Cognitive Development,” in Diversity Digest, ed. by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), Washington, summer 99 issue; republished in International Journal of Diversity and Synergy, National Assoc. for Diversity Management, Oct. 1999, Vol. 1, Issue 1.
“Is Dialogue with Terrorism Possible?” Panel contribution to Philosophical Responses to Sept. 11th, Webpage of the BlueCross & Blue Shields Center for Ethics, Public Policy, and the Professions, University of North Florida, 2001.
Review Essay on Kojin Karatani’s Transcritique, Notre Dame Philosophical Review, published by the Department of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, summer 2004.
“Five Myths about Civility,” in The Florida Times-Union, Jacksonville, Fall 2012, on-line.
“What’s Studying Philosophy Good For?” in Philosophy for the Curious: Why Study Philosophy? Ed. Kishor Vaidya, 2015.
“Critical Theory (The Frankfurt School)” in Encyclopedia for Social & Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier Press, co-authored with Dustin Garlitz, Spring 2015.