Theory of Interpretation/Hermeneutics
“Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Philosophical Anthropology,” Chapter 15 in the Handbook for Contemporary European Social Theory, ed. G. Delanty, London / New York : Routledge 2006, pp. 203-217.
“The Ethics of Interpretation after Postmodernism,” in The Future of Religion: Toward a Reconciled Society, Michael Ott (ed.), Netherlands: Brill Publisher, summer 2007 (also published in Proceedings of XXI. World Congress of Philosophy, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007).
“Understanding and Interpretation,” chapter in the Handbook of Social Science Methodology, ed. William Outhwaite/Stephen Turner, SAGE Publishing House (a book with 34 chapters), Fall 2007.
Theory of Self & Agency
“Wahrheit, Macht, und Selbstkonstitution: Zur ‘Theorie des Subjekts’ nach Foucault”, (new concluding chapter for the second edition of my book: Michel Foucault, Stuttgart: Metzler, April 2004 [1994]).
“The self-empowered subject: Habermas, Foucault, and hermeneutic reflexivity,” republished from Philosophy & Social Criticism, 1996, in Agency and Structure, 4 Volumes, Routledge 2010.
“Agency and the Other: On the Intersubjective Roots of Self-Identity.” Special issue on ‘Human Agency and Development,’ in New Ideas in Psychology (NIP), B. Sokol, J. Sugarman, (eds.), April 2012
Intercultural Dialogue and Cosmopolitanism
“Recognition and Difference: The Power of Perspectives in Interpretive Dialogue” in the special issue ‘Dialogue as the Inscription of ‘the West’,” in: Social Identities, ed. by C. Zene and A. Mandair.
“Constructing a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere: Hermeneutic Capabilities and Universal Values,” in European Journal of Social Theory, ed. Gerard Delanty/Peter Wagner, SAGE Publishers, pp. 297 – 320.
“Roots of Recognition: Cultural Identity and the Ethos of Hermeneutic Dialogue,” in Proceedings of the International Wittgenstein Symposium, Ontos Publishing House, Kirchberg, Austria, May 2007.
“Hermeneutic Cosmopolitanism—or, Toward a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere:” Ashgate Research Companion to Cosmopolitanism, Ashgate Publishers, UK, 2011.
Hermeneutic Ethics and Intersubjective Recognition
“The Crisis of a Hermeneutic Ethic,” in Philosophy Today, Vol. 54, 2014
“Being as Dialogue, or: The Ethical Consequences of Interpretation,” in The Consequences of Hermeneutics, J. Malpas/S. Zabala (eds.), Evanston: Northwestern U.P. 2010.
“Recognition and the Resurgence of Intentional Agency,” in Inquiry, special issue ‘Rational Agency as Ethical Life,’ Taylor & Francis, Summer/Fall 2010
“Empathy, Dialogue, Critique: How should we understand (inter-)cultural violence?” in The Agon of Interpretations. Towards a Critical Intercultural Hermeneutics, Ming Xie (ed.), U. of Toronto Press, 2014
“Ethics and Community,” in Routledge Companion to Hermeneutics, Jeff Malpas, Hans-Helmuth Gander, London/New York, 2015.
Education and Reflective Judgment
“The Challenges of Multiculturalism, General Education, and Grounded Cosmopolitanism,” in Dialogue and Universalism, n. 10, special issue on ‘Universal Dialogue,’ ed. Society for Universalism, Warsaw, 1998.
“New Arguments for Diversifying the Curriculum: Advancing Students’ Cognitive Development,” in Diversity Digest,ed. by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), Washington, summer 99 issue; republished in International Journal of Diversity and Synergy, National Assoc. for Diversity Management, Oct. 1999, Vol. 1, Issue 1.
“What’s Studying Philosophy Good for?” in Why Study Philosophy: Philosophy for the Curious: Top Professors discuss Majors. Kishor Vaidya, ed. April 2015
Hermeneutics of Music & Cultural Aesthetics
“Musique et identité : Adorno et la promesse de la culture populaire”, in X-Alta, n° 9, “Musicopathie : de l’impossibilité de la musique”, 2006; English version published online 2010 at
“Adorno and the Subversive Potential of Popular Music,” accepted, forthcoming in Adorno’s Actuality, London/New York: Routledge (in negotiation), Amir Khandaiji. (ed.), 2019.
“The Meaning of Music. Power and Validity in the ‘Language of Sounds’” (tentative title), book project based on my extensive/written out lecture drafts for the course in “Philosophy of Music.”
“Art as Dialogue: The Rediscovery of Nature after Modernism,” in Feast of Flowers, ed. Jim Draper, February 2013, Cummer Museum Catalogue (hardback).
“Painting Nature: Art as Deception, Truth, or Utopia (“Natur-Malerei: Kunst als Täuschung, Wahrheit, oder Utopie)” in Gotthard Schettler: Medicine/Art/Architecture (Medizin/Kunst/Architektur), R. Döhling (ed.), Falkart Publishing Collective, Zwickau, Germany 2017.