Professional Affiliations
Active Membership: APA; Critical Theory Roundtable; Society for Universal Dialogue; International Consortium for Social Theory; European
Manuscript Reviewer: SUNY Press, Westview Press, Metzler Verlag, (Stuttgart, Germany), The MIT Press, Penn State University Press, Langman Press, Encyclopedia of Philosophy, European Journal of Social Theory.
Academic Advisory Board Member: Handlung/Kultur/Interpretation, Journal for the Human and Social Sciences, U. of Hanover, Germany; Social Epistemology (Taylor & Francis, Routledge), London; X-Alta, H. Vaugrand/F. Ollier (edas.), Abjat/Bandiat, France; Berlin Journal for Critical Theory; Symposion (Romania).
Academic & Administrative Project-Development (Conferences, Programs, Workshops; a selection)
1998: The American Philosophical Association meeting on behalf of the Society for Universal Dialogue, topic: “The Cosmopolitan Core of Multiculturalism,” including Pauline Kleingeld (U. of Washington), James Bohman (St. Louis U.), David Ingram (Loyola U.), and myself.
2000 – 2003: Conceived, initiated, and coordinated Faculty Seminar in the Humanities & Social Sciences at UNF. Topics of the seminars included “The Place of Theory After Postmodernism,” Human Agency,” “Globalization,” “Agency between Culture and Biology,” and “Globalization, Cultural Difference, and Universal Values.” Over 30 assistant, associate, and full professors from UNF, but also from other institutions, have presented their research in this unique interdisciplinary academic setting.
The XXI World Congress of Philosophy (Istanbul, Turkey, August 10-17, 2003) Round-table “Globalization and Difference: Philosophical Foundations of Intercultural Dialogue,” with Robert Bernasconi (U. of Memphis), John McCumber (UCLA), Jorge Valadez (San Antonio U.), and myself as speakers.
- MA in Practical Philosophy & Applied Ethics
- 2003 – 2005 served as MA proposal coordinator;
- 2005 – 2007 served as inaugural Graduate Coordinator of the MA.
“Theory and Practice for Peace and Troubled Times”, a UNF Conference on Conflict Transformation, co-organized with Henry Thomas (Political Science, UNF), John W. Frank (Committee on Institutional Values, UNF), Candice Carter (Education, UNF), 4 – 6th, 2007.
“Reflective Judgment & General Education,” UNF Philosophy Faculty Workshop, co-organized with Jeff Coker, Undergraduate Dean, UNF, involving 18 Philosophy Faculty, including Associate Dean David Fenner, COAS, at UNF, May 2011.
“Theory and Politics: Between the Globalization of Modernity and Struggles for Freedom and Change,” 11th Annual International Consortium for Social Theory Meeting, co-organized with Harry Dahms (Sociology, Kentucky), Mel Baber (Flagler College), and Kieran Keohane University College, Cork, Ireland), involving an international cast of established social theorists. Keynote address: Scott Lash, Goldsmith College, University of London, UK; Flagler College, Florida, May 2012.
Interdisciplinary Social Science & Theory Conference: “The Enigma of Agency: Hermeneutik, Psychoanalyse, Herrschaftskritik,” co-organized with Alice Pechriggl (Philosophy, University of Austria, Klagenfurt), Rainer Winter (Communication, University of Austria, Klagenfurt), 27./28. May 2016.