University of North Florida
Professor of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt
Annual Guest Professor
Department of Philosophy
Areas of Expertise
Hermeneutics, Critical Theory, Philosophy of the Social Sciences
Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Culture, Social and Political Theory
Recent European Philosophy, Phenomenology, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Music, Cultural Studies
Hans-Herbert Kögler’s Critical Hermeneutics
Leading international scholars, representing a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, build upon Kögler’s approach of selfhood as reflexive to explore critical hermeneutics beyond the Frankfurt School. In doing so, they address some of the most pressing issues facing global society today, from multilingual education to the urgent need for interreligious and intercultural understanding. L’ubomír Dunaj- Kurt C.M. Mertel (anthology editors).
Reconceiving Religion in the Postsecular Public Sphere
Guest editor, special issue, Berlin Journal of Critical Theory (BJCT), Vol. 4, N. 2, (July 2020), authored “Introduction: Challenges of a Postsecular Public Sphere” and essay “Tradition, Transcendence, and the Public Sphere: A Hermeneutic Critique of Religion.”
The Power of Dialogue
The Power of Dialogue: Critical Hermeneutics after Gadamer and Foucault, transl. by Paul Hendrickson, (Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press 1996/paperback 1999); (revised translation-based Die Macht des Dialogs: Kritische Hermeneutik nach Gadamer, Foucault, und Rorty, Stuttgart: Metzler Verlag 1992; partial translations into French 2002 and Czech 2005/2006).
Empathy & Agency
Empathy and Agency: The Problem of Understanding in the Human Sciences, co-edited with Karsten Stueber, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press 2000 (reissued 2018) (including the co-authored introduction, with K. Stueber: ‘Empathy, Simulation, and Interpretation in the Philosophy of Social Science,’ pp. 1-61, as well as my essay “Empathy, Dialogical Self, and Reflexive Interpretation.”
Enigma Agency
Enigma Agency, Macht, Widerstand, Reflexivität, (co-edited with Alice Pechriggl, Rainer Winter (eds.), Bielefeld: Transcript Publishers, 2019 (including the co-authored introduction “Das Enigma von Agency,” pp. 7 – 33, as well as my essay “Autonomie und Überschreitung. Bruchstücke einer Theorie der hermeneutischen Agency.”)
Religion and the Public Sphere
Religion and the Public Sphere, with Jürgen Habermas, Charles Taylor, Alessandro Ferraro, Hans-Herbert Kögler, (ed. by O. Stech), Prague Academic Publishers, Fall 2017.
Die Macht Des Dialogs
Die Macht des Dialogs: Kritische Hermeneutik nach Gadamer, Foucault, und Rorty, Stuttgart: Metzler Verlag 1992 (reissued 2016)
Michel Foucault
Michel Foucault, (expanded and updated edition; Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler Verlag 2004 (reissued 2016); first edition 1994)
Kultura, Kritika, Dialog
Kultura, Kritika, Dialog (Culture, Critique, Dialogue), Prague: Publishing House Filosofia, December 2015 (first edition 2006.) (The book is a collection of essays previously translated and published in Czech with a new introductory interview conducted in English and translated into Czech. Edited by Marek Hrubec/Jan Balon (eds), 185 pages.)